CoreSite Realty Corp (COR) - Trade Stocks

CoreSite Realty Corp (COR)

By Tue, May 19, 2020

Hey there,

Things are getting pretty as a result of the current pandemic.

The current unemployment rate is around 15% and rising, the highest the U.S. has seen since the Great Depression.

And like the great recession, real estate has been a mess.

So it may seem odd that today’s Chart of the Week is in real estate.

To be clear, we’re not looking at real estate as a group, but specifically at data center and cell tower stocks within real estate.

In this first chart, you can see how cell-tower index compares vs real estate.

Within that group, there’s one stock in particular that I’m big on, and that is CoreSite Realty (COR).

We’re long above 122 with a price target of 144.

The idea is to not own real estate as a group, but specifically to own the cell tower and data center stocks specifically.

So again, we’re long above 122 in COR.

Til next time, good trading,

JC Parets

P.S. Join me LIVE this Thursday at 4pm EST/1pm PST for my weekly market debrief, general analysis, and top trade recommendations. Register today and claim your free spot.

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About the Author

JC Parets, founder of All Star Charts, specializes in finding the most opportunistic risk vs. reward propositions while at the same time bringing a top/down approach to the marketplace whose wide spectrum is rivaled by few. JC begins with a long-term global macro perspective and then works his way down to the individual sector and industry level before ultimately isolating the stocks that best portray a particular thesis. Price is the most important technical indicator, but JC uses supplements such as Momentum, Relative Strength, and Fibonacci analysis to complete the process.